a Edcate
( togetheras1 Educate program covers, child sponsorships right from primary, secondary and institutions. School dropout is huge problem in Uganda, According to 2014 UNICEF report, In Sub Saharan Africa more than 30 percent of primary school students drop out before reaching final grade. Children drop out of schools for many reasons. One reason is that families cannot afford school costs including tuition fees, exam fees, uniforms, and supplies, making school an unlikely possibility for the children. Illness may also caused children to drop out of school. Family members who become ill will often have to cut their children’s education in order to afford medical care. Additionally children may lose one or both of their parents to AIDSs, Alcoholism or another problem. If this happens, students may need to drop out of school to help provide for the rest of their family. This educate program is designed to provide sponsorships for these students who need the extra assistance. This operates in the Africana country Uganda in the towns and villages of Jinja, Lira, Oyam, Apac etc.
Sponsorship for primary and secondary school students cost $100 a month.
Your sponsorship will give a student a vital tools for a brighter future by providing.
. School trimester fees.
. School Exams fees ( requirement to continue Education)
. School uniform
. School shoes
. School supplies such as pens, pencils, sets, books, and backpack)
. Food ( breakfast and lunch, as well as package of rice, posho, vegetables and fruits given to the sponsored childe’s family once a trimester)
. Bars of soap
. Toothpaste and Toothbrush.
It is very important for us to include food and hygiene coverage in the our program because we so much understand and know how hunger and hygiene issues can affect a student’s well-being both in school and out of school.
b empowerment in finance
Togetheras1 works to invest in residents in Jinja, Lira, Oyam, Apac and ,,,,, without collateral. in doing so togetheras1 affirms the dignity of these persons as worthy of the investment, this helps empowering our microfinance program applicants and recipients. With this investment they can build their own sustainable livelihood, instead of depending on handouts. Togetheras1 has will help in monoriting the business and providing training in finance management and saving on daily basic which is done by togetheras1.
As their businesses develop, recipient will be able to acquire microloan to expand their businesses, which will be paid back to the organization.
In Uganda, providing for a family may include providing for shelter, meals, schooling, clothing and medical care which is very hard for many Ugandans covering up all these costs. One may have ideas of providing for this families by running their own businesses but may lack startup resources and the education to do so.
This startup needs could be as small as $100. In order to startup their businesses and provide for their families, these individuals must apply for small business loan which the only available loan in their community mighty have high interest rates attached making it very hard and costly than beneficial to pay back the loan, many banks also requires collateral.
Togetheras1 responds to this problem of poverty through our Togetheras1 empower.